What's Reiki?

I am just here, trying to take a break, or more precisely rest, after 3 intense last days. Feeling a bit drained, next to a box of tissues because of my blocked nose. Well, it is not that bad at all. I woke up this morning, and even though I could not have a good night sleep, thanks to my glorious blocked nose...

I said, to myself; Today I will have the greatest of the days... and actually, I had, and I am having it.

Usually, when I try to rest my mind I enjoy reading, or looking at a new technique that I am learning at the moment, named; Kriya Meditation, when suddenly a video of Frans Stiene popped up.. with the title: What is Reiki?

Normally, when I am at the post office, the girls there know I do Reiki, or mothers from my children's school or every person, who knows, I do Reiki... they always ask me:

Carla, what's Reiki?

And there it comes, my mind on crazy states whilst trying to find the perfect definition, term or explanation; which I have to confess, there is a lot to share!!!!

It is not that easy to explain with just a few words how you feel, how to express the immense, gratitude, love and compassion you FEEL whilst practising Reiki? and when I say practising, what it means, Reiki it is not just hands-on/off healing, Reiki is the pathway you follow to, openly live your life to the fullest, it's a spiritual journey!


Thanks again, Frans Stiene for sharing this simple and powerful explanation.

We all have it, we were born with it... we just been busy trying to fit in Society, life, worries, job, anger and the list goes on... All those feelings, unconsciously cover-up, your true self, your inner light. And that is what Reiki does to you...
Shows you the passage to shine, to be your true self inner light!!!

Shine brightly, everyone!
