Body Wisdom - Understanding your Body Languages

Body Wisdom 

Our physical body has it is own conscious energy system, or body wisdom, which is always working for our greatest and highest good. Because of this, it tries to tell us when something is going wrong either with our thinking or in our lives generally. It messages take the form of symptoms, illness or disease; so, when we have a headache, catch a cold or flu, have a toothache or become more seriously ill, our body is trying to tell us something, trying to get us to understand the signal and do something about it. But that is the difficulty because we don’t always understand this kind of “body language”, and some people are completely unaware of it, so its significance is lost.

 Most people react to illness or disease by trying to get rid of the symptoms as quickly as possible, usually by seeking medical advice or intervention. An advertisement on television a few months ago caught my attention because it was extolling the virtues of a popular analgesic as something “for people who don’t have time to have headaches”. I found this quite alarming because while there is nothing wrong in seeking relief for symptoms if you really want your body to be healed, you also need to understand the illness at the causative level.

If you have constant headaches, “masking” them with medication and carrying on as if nothing was wrong is not a long-term solution. You are not listening to what your body is trying to tell you, so, although the symptoms might abate briefly, they will return because you are not taking your body’s advice and acting upon it.

Your first priority is to ask yourself “why am I ill? Because, from the metaphysical perspective, illness or disease is created by the body – albeit as a helpful message. 

As the body is simply a part of our consciousness, this means that we actually create our own ill health. 

Again, this may be a very challenging concept, but as I pointed out earlier, the metaphysical viewpoint is really very empowering, because if we have the power to create ill health with negative beliefs, thoughts and emotions, then we also have the power to create good health with positivity.

This is definitely NOT a “blame theory”, However, although you may ultimately be responsible at a deep spiritual level for having created an illness, this is not being done at a conscious level so there is no blame attached, and therefore you should not harshly judge yourself – or anyone else – for being ill.

You do not suddenly wake up one morning and say, “Oh, I think, I will break my leg/slip a disc/develop ME today, that will stop me rushing around doing too much, and I have a good rest and some time to think about my direction in life!

From a human perspective that would be utter madness! 

But from a Soul/Higher Self/ Subconscious Self Level the pain of the broken leg or slipped disc, or the problems associated with living with ME, are simply experiences on your journey through this physical life, and they do what they are supposed to do: they stop you in your tracks; that is, they stop you making further progress down the wrong path. 

If you heard the messages, all well and good, and you can heal and move on, but if you don’t, then they will lead to different life experiences, although from the Soul perspective even that is still OK.

All experience – good, bad or indifferent – is a good experience for the growth and development of the Soul, but not necessarily pleasant as a human being living through it.

I appreciate that these metaphysical theories can be very difficult to come to terms with if you haven’t heard them before, and they may well challenge your belief system or your concept of how the world works, and of course you are free to take them on board or ignore them, the choice is yours. 

  • Every illness or disease, accident or injury has a message for you and the more serious the illness or injury the more serious and urgent the message.

  • Nothing is accidental or coincidental.

  • Every experience is useful and valid and contains some valuable information for you, even some of the minor things – such as cutting your finger with a knife while chopping vegetables. Why where you distracted? What were you thinking about at the time? What are you feeling “sore” about?

Understand your body language, listen to what it is trying to tell you. Your body sends you messages every day. Take your time to listen to what your body is trying to communicate… about something is not right in your life.