The Soul Healing Store & Practice Crystals should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular or conventional medical care.
There are many practitioners that use crystals for a wide variety of purposes. This site supplies crystal use information with every purchase, which has been developed and gathered for crystal users and practitioners.
While the use of crystals for most purposes is safe, please be aware that none of the crystals or minerals sold on this site are intended to be used to diagnose or treat any physical or mental/emotional disease. Always consult your physician before using any crystal healing approach. If you have a medical or psychiatric condition consult your physician before using any crystal healing techniques.
When you purchase a crystal from this site, you agree to do so at your own risk. Be aware that minerals can be toxic. Do not ingest minerals or elixars made from them without consulting a licensed physician first. Be aware that some minerals are radioactive. Information on the radioactive properties of all minerals can be found at mindat.org.
No radioactive minerals are sold at Soul Healing Store & Practice. On the other hand, enjoy your crystals. They are wonderful gifts of Mother Nature, rich in the Universal Life Force, and can be a tremendous addition to your life.
We certainly do not disavow their beauty, power, and abilities to aid all of us to richer, fuller lives.
Practitioner DisclaimerβFounder
While I truly believe that the services I provide can be profoundly healing, and while I have seen deep, meaningful results in my own life and those of my clients, nothing I share on this website, on social media, or in my sessions is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe. My services exist within the realm of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), meaning they are intended as a complement to, not a replacement of, allopathic (conventional Western) medical care. I encourage my clients to seek professional medical and psychological treatment for health issues and will refer out to qualified professionals as needed.