Everything you need to know from Reiki & Crystals Healing Sessions to our Crystal Jewellery

We put together a list of our most frequently asked questions to help answer some of the questions you may have. If you need additional assistance, please email us at

We are happy to answer all questions you may have!

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I have had my crystal for two days. Why it’s not working ?

Does a diet work in two days? Does a fitness regimen work in two days? Like any new program, it takes time and consistency to see the transformation. Working with crystals is no different. The magic is not the crystal; it’s you. It’s a tool to help you achieve your goal at a faster rate.

are crystals part of a religion ?

Crystals are a tool to help you transform your life. Crystals are not part of and do not interfere with your religious practice; many clients have found that using crystals strengthened their practice. Crystals are an energy source, but they are not the Source.

how often do i need to cleanse my crystal pieces ?

Crystals work best when they are cleansed because over time they absorb and accumulate energy from the environment around them and the people who touch them. It’s always a good idea to cleanse your crystals when you first get them to ensure they are clear slate for your intention. As a general guideline, it is recommended that you cleanse your crystal piece every time you set a new intention, or at least once every 30 days.

Can Soul Healing Store & Practice Repair my Jewellery after the 90-day Warranty Expires ?

Absolutely Yes! See our Repair Policy

Does Soul Healing Reiki and Energy Sessions, accept Private Health Fund Rebates ?

No, Soul Healing Store & Practice does not have a provider number, we fall outside the necessary requirements to grant health fund provider status. Many people are unaware that private health funds only provide rebates to a handful of modalities, so in many cases, Energy/ Reiki Healing fall outside this benefit. The Australia Government announced, that from April 1st 2019, health fund rebates will no longer apply for the following modalities: Alexander Technique, Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapy, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Iridology, Kinesiology, Naturopathy, Pilates, Reflexology, Rolfing, Shiatsu, Tai Chi and Yoga. To know more about the recent health fund reforms, please contact your Health Fund Provider.

How will Reiki assist me ? How long will it take ?

When you receive a reiki Healing Session, Reiki starts working at the root causes. The real cause of our diseases/ concerns are almost always based in some emotional turbulence, either recent or long-standing. Systems which remove the illness physically, will rarely have long-lasting effects, as the emotional cause is still prevalent. Reiki starts working at the disease bottom-up, approaching the root cause first. Because of this, it sometimes takes a little time to show effect. There are instances, however, in which sensitive patients benefitted from Reiki healing sessions immediately and experienced relief.

I am under medication for my ailment, can I still take a Reiki Session ?

Reiki does not interfere with any medical system, or even other alternative therapies. It increases the immunity of the patient and helps to reduce the side effects of medicines. It can be used along with any other system, whether allopathy, ayurveda, homeopathy, aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, and others.

About your jewellery purchase

Soul Healing jewellery is specially designed to enhance the wearer’s own energy. The jewellery is empowered by the wearer’s personal intentions to change or improve them. As an energy enhancer, Soul Healing jewellery relies on the wearer to be effective. The responsibility for empowering the energy enhancing capability of Soul Healing jewellery is solely with the wearer. Therefore, no express warranties are given and no affirmation of Soul Healing jewellery by words or actions will constitute a warranty.

Do I need to believe in Reiki to get healed ?

Reiki is not faith healing, and no faith or belief in the system is required to get cured.