Sage Smudge Sticks Guide

Sage Smudging Guide

Did you know that burning sage is one of the oldest methods of spiritual cleansing in the world? Spiritually speaking, burning sage is thought to ward off negativity and toxicity. You can think of it like clearing the slate for more positivity to enter your space.

The benefits of saging your home aren’t just spiritual. Sage is considered incredibly purifying and is able to clear away many of the toxins you breathe every day, including fumes from paint, chemicals, and cleaning supplies. It is also antibacterial and can help mitigate the effects of exposure to dust, pollen, and mould.

Saging not only helps to expel any bad vibes in your space but will also leave you feeling calmer and more at peace.  

Step 1: Set Up

First, make sure your windows are open, this will give that negative energy an escape route! Get yourself a burning vessel, a fire source and a fanning tool (if preferred) - and your sage smudge stick of course! 

Step 2: Focus Your Intention

Intentions are central to the practice of smudging, so take a moment before you light the sage to determine what exactly it is that you're trying to purify or release from your space.

Ask yourself: What led you to believe a sage clearing ceremony is needed? Set your mind on thoughts of cleansing, healing, wisdom or spiritual connectedness.

Step 3: Purify Yourself

Before cleansing your space take a moment to purify yourself first by directing the smoke towards your body, starting at your feet and up to your head and then back again.
You can use your hands or a feather to direct the smoke where you want it to go (just be careful of your eyes and nose). To get a nice stream of sage smoke going, blow lightly on the burning sage. Keep your bowl handy to collect any ash or falling sage leaves.

Step 4: Cleanse Your Home

Starting at your front door, begin walking around your home with your sage, keeping your intention in mind. Enter room by room, and work from corner to corner.
Let your intuition guide you. If you allow it, your intuition will help you feel what areas of your home need the most attention. Take as much time as you need.

Step 5: Ending The Ceremony

After clearing and cleansing, extinguish your sage stick by gently pressing it into your vessel or simply rest it in a safe place and allow it to burn out on its own - be sure to never leave unattended!
Now that you’ve cleared the energy and created a new, pure space, infuse it with your own positive thoughts and intentions.