Full Moon – Purify Your Crystals
Full Moon
Is the most powerful of all lunar phases and can have a profound spiritual effect if you know how to harness its purifying energy.
A time to forge new paths of personal growth and positivity, full moon rituals allow us to harness the moon's energy to release what no longer serves us; to let go of negative forces and absorb only healing, positive energy.
Cleanse Your Crystals
Gently wash your crystals the day before the full moon. Water from the ocean or a natural source is ideal but running them under the tap at home is fine too. Not all crystals are water-safe though (Labradorite, Selenite and Lapis Lazuli to name a few) so do your research first if you're unsure! Bring intention to this practice by listening to relaxing music or reciting your favourite chant while cleansing.
Create a Sacred Space
After your crystals are cleansed and dried, set them out on the earth, just after sunset, in preparation for their full moon bath. If you are unable to place them directly on the ground, any natural surface will work. Create a sacred space to set out your crystals with candles, music, smudge sticks or incense - whatever you find helps to best focus your intentions.
Focus Your Intentions
As you set each crystal down, name an emotion out loud that you wish to be free from; this will affirm what you are ready to release. Sit with the crystals and meditate on these intentions for as long as you wish - listen to meditative sounds and burn your sage/incense. Imagine the crystals physically releasing these unwanted emotions and filling with positivity.
Collect Your Crystals
Leave your crystals out under the full moon overnight. Allow your crystals to charge for an hour or two the next morning in sunlight before bringing them in. Once you have them collected, you can charge them with your intentions. Manifest new intentions by meditating on what you could achieve without negative energy blocking your path. As always, let your intuition guide you...and through this, you can attract positive, healing energies and abundance.