Learn How to Balance Each Chakra

There are 7 different Chakras in the body (although some cultures add a few 'higher plane' ones). When any of them are blocked or out of balance, it can throw off the health of all of the other ones. That's why an advanced blockage or out of balance Chakra can be hard to diagnose since it's likely other Chakras have been affected as well.
Here I'll tell you the symptoms of an out of balance Chakra and how to treat it. If you're experiencing symptoms from more than one Chakra, we recommend treating all of the Chakras as it may be difficult to pinpoint which one is causing the problem.

Reiki Healing can make you feel the universal energy in your body through which you can experience immense relief. The practise involves placing hands on specific points on your body and/ or visualizing symbols to facilitate healing experiences. Reiki has a special place in the alternative medicine scene in the world.
Plato (The Athenian philosopher, c.428-347 B.C.), believed that the whole healing process must consist of a “soul” dimension and that our body, mind and spirit needed to be treated and healed holistically. Reiki does exactly the same!

In a world full of stress and negativity, our chakras get blocked when they come in contact with negative influences. A “block” is a place where your energies are confined or forbidden to flow freely. If the energy cannot flow freely, that is a major source for any type of illness and mental diseases.

Reiki Healing helps you to declutter those blocks and get the energy flowing. When the energies flow freely, it helps your body to create harmony within and it releases imbalances created by negative influences. No Chakra works efficiently irrespective of the others, they are all part of the whole. Each Chakra works efficiently only when other Chakras are fully aligned and engaged with the energy system.

The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras of the body are listed below from bottom to top. I've included their location on the body.

1. Root Chakra (red) - located at the base of the spine.
2. Sacral Chakra (orange) - located below the navel and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) - located between the ribcage and navel.
4. Heart Chakra (green) - located near the center of the breastbone.
5. Throat Chakra (blue) - located over the center of the throat.
6. Third Eye Chakra (indigo) - located between the eyebrows just above the bridge of the nose.
7. Crown Chakra (violet) - located at the top of the head.

Look over all of the common symptoms below to see if you're experiencing an out of balance Chakra. Keep in mind that one out of balance chakra can affect the health of the other ones. If you have multiple symptoms from different Chakras, we suggest treating all of them.

In order to treat and align your chakras, you can use Crystal’s vibration, which I will mention below, which Crystal piece would be best for each Chakra and/or book a Reiki Healing Session with me.

Symptoms of an Out of Balance Chakra

and how to treat it effectively

Reiki Healing is the fastest and most effective way to treat any and all Chakra problems. They can clear blockages and bring balance exactly where it's needed.

Take a look at the symptoms for each out of balance Chakra below. Find the corresponding crystal piece you need. Each Soul Healing Crystal Piece have enclosed the metaphysical information of the crystals plus instructions about how to use, set your intention, and cleanse your crystal piece.

Root Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Feeling flighty

  • Low energy levels

  • Feelings of being disconnected from others or reality

  • Low enthusiasm

  • Lower back pain or leg pain

  • Lethargy

  • Easily fatigued

  • Lack of motivation and drive


Sacral Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Confusion

  • Repressing your feelings

  • Dependency upon others

  • Feeling frustrated or bitter

  • Infertility

  • Lack of motivation

  • Unable to feel joy or happiness

  • Loss of intuition

  • Depression and fatigue


Solar Plexus Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Low self-esteem

  • Increased fear

  • Fear of disappointment

  • Weak willpower

  • Frequent infections

  • Poor digestion

  • Gastrointestinal issues


Heart Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Tense in your upper torso

  • Wanting to fold your arms a lot

  • Holding onto grudges

  • Unable to let go of the past

  • Having issues trusting others or yourself

  • You're pushing others away


Throat Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Sore throat or tightness in the jaw

  • Stiffness in neck and/or headaches

  • Fear of speaking

  • Feeling isolated or misunderstood

  • Inability to express needs or opinions

  • Habitually lying


Third Eye Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Struggling to find meaning in things

  • Loss of intuition

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Headaches and tension in the front of the head

  • Difficulty seeing things clearly, confusion

  • Things just don't seem to make sense


Crown Chakra

Out of balance symptoms

  • Feeling stuck

  • Fatigue, feeling sluggish

  • Persistent stress

  • Feeling uninspired or uncreative

  • Unsure of yourself or who you are

  • Difficulty understanding concepts

