in-person and distance reiki healing
Individual or packages available - discounts offered in reiki packages
During an In-Person session, hands are laid above or directly on the receiver’s body in non-intrusive areas with a gentle, static light pressure. The Reiki practitioner focuses her attention and intention, combined with applied techniques to transfer energy.
Reiki balances the whole person. When our body is in balance, the body is better equipped to self-heal and function at its best. Undesirable symptoms can be reduced or removed entirely. It is important to note that Reiki does not treat any specific symptom or disease. However, it is an integrative therapy, meaning it works well with other conventional medical treatments. For those undergoing medical treatment or taking prescriptions, when coupled with Reiki, side effects can subside.
Reiki practitioners are trained to practice across time and space. This allows for distance Reiki sessions – also referred to as remote Reiki – where Reiki is practised when the practitioner and receiver are in different physical locations. To help explain how distance Reiki works, remember that everything living is made up and connected with Universal Life Force Energy which is not confined to time or space.
In the comfort of your home, or from wherever you are, the same results as in-person Reiki can be experienced remotely.
Typical results can include deep relaxation, freedom from stress and anxiety, physical pain relief, a feeling of lightness, mental clarity or grounding, peacefulness, greater love and hopefulness.
You can be going about your day, or you can lay or sit quietly and comfortably.
If from what you’ve read or heard about Reiki resonates with you, or if the idea of a Reiki session has been coming up for you, I encourage you to consider giving it a try.
Follow your inner voice or gut feeling. You can Google Reiki and read page upon page of information on the internet, however you won’t know the experience until you try it for yourself.
It can be a very visceral experience at first. I think we can agree, we all see the world from our own unique lens.
The decision to experience Reiki is a very personal one, as is the experience itself.
What Can Reiki Treat?
If you’re feeling tired and lethargic – chances are your energy zones are depleted and require a ‘tune-up’. Just like a musical instrument that has been played over and over, eventually, it will go out of tune and just not function ‘right’ or ‘play beautifully’. Reiki will act like a ‘tune-up’ to your personal health engine and restore you back to your natural energy level and optimal performance!
We all go through life’s ups and downs, so it’s important to manage away stress and anxiety. Even if you practise meditation or exercise regularly, being human we are prone to overwhelm ourselves mentally and emotionally. This can lead to physical and mental illnesses including pain, anxiety and depression if left unchecked. When this happens, we need a way to clear away negative energies and toxins that we create or pick up along the way. Reiki will act like your favourite vacuum cleaner and rid you of any unwanted negative energies that cause you to stress, tension, panic and anxiety. This is one of the greatest benefits Reiki offers.
During a Reiki treatment, it is common for many people to fall asleep as they enter into a deep state of relaxation, releasing all worries, tension and negative energies that are unhealthy. This creates the optimum condition for healing to take place. Regular Reiki will also help to improve sleep.
Ever get stuck on a problem or recurring issue with someone? Ever come across dramas or misunderstandings that cause emotional pain at home or at work? Reiki will remove any blockages in your energy flow and help you release negative patterns within yourself that cause unnecessary conflict and stress to you. It will clear away what is unneeded, so you can get clear and back to a state of calmness and peace.
As Reiki is a healing practice that addresses the whole health of a person, it is known to successfully help with pain management, stimulating the immune system and relieving mental disorders. It is particularly effective in accelerating the recovery process of patients in hospitals or those with injuries. In fact, many of my clients with back or knee injuries reported an immediate relief in pain, post-treatment. Whilst for long-term injuries, a treatment plan is provided to help maintain and support the healing process going forward.
If you have suffered from painful experiences, trauma or loss and find it hard to ‘let go’ or find a resolution to a problem – Reiki treatment can help clear away what is unneeded, so you can get clear and find a path to resolving your problem. By clearing away negative energies or excess thoughts, it creates that space within you to heal all wounds, old and new. Most of all it can help you find the best path forward to happiness and peace again.