The connection between Healing and Energy Healing.

I get often asked, by my clients around the world, what Energy terms of healing?

If I wear those crystal’s bracelets infused with Reiki energy, are they going to do, any good?

 As everyone knows, I am a truly believer of Healing Energy, and the fact is that, Energy Healing therapy has done in 12 months what prescripts could not resolve in years. If you would like to know, what has encouraged me to take this healing journey.

And let me explain this in a deeper level, just because I am not trying to convince you that conventional medicine will not do any good for you, because it is not true. What I really try to say here, is that if you break an arm, have a car accident, or accidentally by chopping vegetables you ended-up chopping one of your fingers, of course you must see a surgeon! in that case, holistic energy will not do any good to you.


Your body has been created with the enormous power and ability to heal itself, if you treat your condition holistically. However, people might ask, what “holistic” really means?

Holistic is really “wholistic”, meaning that the whole person is treated, so the physical body is not viewed or treated separately but seen as a part of the whole person, with the other aspects – mind, emotions, spirit and even environment and lifestyle – being equally important. The holistic model doesn’t just concentrate on the symptoms of an illness or disease, it begins to look for causes. It assumes that although some physical causation is obviously a factor of illness, such as a virus or being genetically predisposed to a disease, there are other issues to consider. A person’s state of mind, level of emotional stability, living conditions or stress at work could all be a part of his or her health crisis.

As an example, I have treated clients, with Reiki Healing Sessions and Crystal Energy for lower back discomfort, the client’s focus is of course, in their pain and on that part of their body, which causes too much soreness on a daily basis, not allowing them to do some basic activities, such as walk and in some cases, not even sleep.

What I really see, and I address, as a practitioner, is the root of the condition, which is usually generated by energy blockages on the Root Chakra “Muladhara” located in the base of the spine/perineum and is associated on life aspects such as; survival, security, grounding, money, home, job and sense of belonging. 

Our minds shape our body, and our emotions drives our body, what it is on your mind or what you are feeling, right now, on this moment, will be reflected on your physical body, eventually… of course.

Healing as a holistic issue

So, from the above information you can see that healing is not something that happens “out there”, something which someone else “does” to you. There is really only one “healer” of your body, and that is YOU, because ALL healing is self-healing. Your body possesses the mechanisms to heal itself, so all anyone else can do – whether that person is a doctor, a nurse, a complementary therapist or a Reiki Practitioner – is to kick-start that natural process in some way, whether by conventional or alternative means.

Of course, your body copes every day with lots of other potential hazards; for example, if it is invaded by a virus, such as the common cold, your immune system is mobilised, and all those rather unpleasant symptoms you experience, such as a high temperature and a runny nose, are actually the effects from the virus itself. Indeed, taking medication to lower your temperature when you have a simple cold could be undoing much of your body’s good work, because the virus is being killed off by the rise in temperature.

Although of course there are some circumstances where it is essential to bring a temperature down if it gets dangerously high, such as with small children.

If your body is so good at healing itself, why are there times when it isn’t completely well? Why do people continue to suffer from chronic or incurable illnesses? The reason is because healing – and health – are holistic issues, not simply physical ones.

As an example, your body produces pre-cancerous (altered) cells every day, but almost all the time your immune system detects and destroys them. If your immune system is not operating as effectively as usual, however, it is possible that not all of them will be destroyed.

There are a number of possible reasons for this; perhaps your body is already struggling to fight another major infection, or your immune system has been seriously affected by some related stressful event, such as a close bereavement (or even a happy but nevertheless stressful event like a wedding), or perhaps it is because your body does not have the right nutritional balance to work at optimum strength. Any of these causes, and there are a number of other possibilities, can be at the root of the growth of cancerous cells in an otherwise healthy body.

In many cases, even if this happens, providing the immune system can return to normal working capacity fairly quickly it will tackle any early cancerous growth and destroy it, and you will be none the wiser. If the cancer develops, of course, there are various conventional medical interventions that can help: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment. But you have probably also heard of people who have gone on to develop mature cancerous growths, yet who have managed to mobilise their own body to destroy the cancer, sometimes with astonishing speed, even without medical interventions.

These people always have a very positive attitude and an overwhelming determination to “get better”, as well as having supportive people around them to help them to release emotional blockages and to gain insight into the reasons for their illness. Also, they have usually used a variety of techniques such as Reiki and crystal healing, or other complementary therapies to help them to activate their own healing ability, because the causes of any serious illness are likely to be complex and multi-levelled.

Remember though, that you should always consult your doctor if you feel ill and be guided by them.