What can I do to be healthy?
The Energy Crisis
There is a question that everybody needs to answer at some point in his or her life. What can I do to be a healthy human being? There are now billions of answers on the Internet. I think there should be a sign that reads like a famous fast-food chain.
Billions and billions sold and what are the current mainstream establishments selling? They're selling you only surface knowledge, to really understand our human health, we need to understand
The big question, how do we do that? I feel it's important to share with people what the energy crisis is in the human body and how important it is for changing your perspective.
All efforts in human health, unconsciousness have energy at their base, Energy Healing and various alternative modalities and practices around the world are now referred to as Energy medicine.
To be truly healthy, we should be healthy, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and ultimately energetically.
Life is defined by saying you have energy, or you do not, being sold as energy is taken away from you, from your thoughts, your environment and pretty much everything. The crisis occurs in slow motion over the course of your life because you're unaware of your inability to hold an energetic charge and maintain the flow of the Life Force through your body. This is how the Life Force escapes from your body, the idea would be to establish how much you have left.
An ideal energy state would be a human that is two years old. They have a lot of energy, the calibration is based on how much energy have loss from the age of two years old, so this is done through kinesiological testing or aura reading, and when they calibrate it, they call it energy balance or alignment, as an energy Master and energy channel myself, I use the energy field itself and I can test how much energy you have based on what is present in that person's energy field.
Some people refer to this as energy blocks but what I usually said is that the energy flow has been re-established.
If a client has 31% of their optimal energy. This client is around late 30s. How did they get this way? Let's figure out what takes 69% of their energy. I might break it down like this: about 20% of the loss is based on close family relationships that are draining you.
Think about your relationships with your mom, your dad, your brother, your sister. These are first level relationships as far as energy flow is concerned and represents a DNA connexion that facilitates energy flowing from you to your parents, and vice versa.
The next level would be, say, sexual relationships. Because of the extent of the energy that flows during these activities. When we have a sexual relationship, we open up a channel similar to the one of connexion with our parents, in that there's an open and free flow of energy back and forth.
Even with a past partner, unless you have taken measures to try to either break or block those relationships. Most people try to block him, that drains energy also, so we really don't want to block him so much as we want to change the energy that flows from us to them and them to us.
Just because you break up with a person doesn't mean there's still not an information and energy flow and we can experience that throughout our entire life.
If we move on, about 18% in this example, is from a declining health state. Decline - that is draining the body of energy because it's become less efficient. The 31% optimal energy left leaves this client at 28 volts to start their day. According to some Chinese practises, you're supposed to have about 36 volts of energy when you wake up. Ideally, you would recharge your battery during that night and wake up with this amount of voltage and through the process of that day, you would lose energy until you went to bed that night when you would recharge your voltage.
For this client's example, this person started the day at 28 volts, which is on the level of depression and by the time they get halfway through the day, it has gone down significantly. And what that means is the entire functions of the body are being short-changed, because of the lack of energy you can have zero energy, but still function, just not as efficiently or significantly as if you are fully charged.
But if some of these areas are reset to optimise energy flow, then the others that are negatives that drain you would decrease, for instance, the 18% health decline would be improved by an Energy Master.
Before I explain how to create more optimal energy. Let's get into what is the difference between bio electrical and electrical energy.
Electricity flows through our machines and it's man-made, but what close through animals, plants and humans is organically produced and has a different signature. This signature is the Life Force that tops Quantum Physics, plugging you into a light socket doesn't work because you can't consume that form of electrical energy. Beyond the body itself, though, we acquire and consume energy through our energy field.
The energy field consumes energy from other inner fields and the centre is active. If you think about this being around people that are negative and you consumed their energy, you have basically influenced your own energy state. And if you're around positive people, the same thing occurs.
And this brings up a good point that you don't have relationships with people. You have an energy exchange and the level of consciousness in the energy exchange determines whether you consume energy or produce it.
Whether you take or whether you give. Each human has a resonant energy exchange with the earth. This is called Schumann resonance.
The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks and the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances, or global electromagnetic resonances. These are generated by lightning discharges.
Another electromagnetic phenomenon humans have a global electromagnetic resonance also, and it's called the collective consciousness. You are in a frequency resonance exchange. You exchange energy with the chair you're sitting on, with the room you're in, with the office you work at and basically people, places and things. You exchange energy freely until you come to the table with filters.
Filters say something like I am married, I have a certain job, I AM, I AM, I AM⦠so when these filters are put up, you modulate your energy to or from other people and other places or other things.
Most people don't know what their filters are, and this affects their ability to perceive, receive and generate energy.
If we go back to our original client, because of her life experiences, the person has created blocks and an obstacle to optimum health and wellbeing, because they do not have knowledge of how this works inside and outside of their body. And this is what I call the energy crisis.
The crisis is the outcome of not knowing the flows of energy through life and this lack of knowledge creates depression, sickness, terminal illness or ageing.
So how do we become more knowledgeable of our own filters? First, I tell people that there are certain activities that have a higher energetic component than just exercise. These could be things like Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, to just name a few. These activities are able to help you, get less involved in depression or anxiety or other low level consciousness activities.
Life Force is a subtle energy, we are not aware of are sympathetic and parasympathetic energy flows throughout our body and yet they control our breathing, heart rate, brain, digestion and a whole made of other activities in the body.
That energy flow is in some ways the same thing as our thoughts or feelings. Things that go on our imagination, our dream states, these are forms of subtle body energies and that they are not readily perceptive by the human consciousness.
There is so much that science can't explain. Especially Life Force itself, its origins, its consumption, aspects of its existence, but if we add these experiential layers of information, and why consciousness itself experiences, we could explain everything that is happening to you inside and out on all layers of consciousness.
Right now, the normal optimal voltage is 36 volts, let's say, and this relates to the plane scale and correlates to the idea of adding more levels to explore yourself and express yourself. We might even refer to these as spiritual in nature.
What I am telling you is that you are experiencing things that aren't really defined in science, but that doesn't mean it's not happening! and with the knowledge of awareness and understanding, you can create more Life Force energy in your life.
So, 36 volts is just a metric, we could use any number just as a starting point, but the idea is it gives us a reference point to start, and from there we could expand to maybe 40 volts. We could increase our capacity to either produce or to hold onto energy in the form of voltage that would be available for the operation of, not just her physical body, but actually our energy field and our consciousness.
If you have an illness or have a circumstance where energy alone is what is required in order for you to get over, recover or become healthy again.
Exercises that assist with this are Tai Chi as an active way of exercise or Yoga as a passive way of exercise. Another important way of balancing, aligning and promoting Life Force Energy in the body is experiencing Energy Healing Practices, such as Reiki, Crystal Healing or Pellowah.
I usually recommend taking regular Energy Healing sessions, such as one session a month, please note β that everybody is different and, in some cases, you might need more than one session at month to start with and then gradually reduce it, to one a month, just to maintain your health and your Life Force energy flowing freely in your body.
This is crucial, if you have a work or a profession which is quite demanding or you are in a draining environment where you continuously face negativity, emotional distress or are in contact with people who are negative or complaining all the time.
When we look at those Energy Healing practises, we are doing things to increase the Life Force energy content of the human body, what does that do as energy flows up and down your spine, it creates an electromagnetic field.
The bigger the electromagnetic field, the healthier you are. If you have a large electromagnetic field that extends out to say, a minimum of 3 metres, then the ability to be sick becomes less. It may not disappear, but the probability is you will have more resistance to illness and problems with your physical body.
The concept of a big energy body also explains some other things. Everybody talks about consciousness. Oh, you need to raise your consciousness. How do you do that?
If your energetic state increases, consciousness increases also, when people talk about raising your consciousness, an ascension, all these come about with a bigger energy body. You do these practises and without much attention on your part, you develop an energy body, and you develop an energy body that has a greater density and therefore a greater capacity to hold a charge.
These are some of the things I teach, where holding that charge in the face of negativity in the face of disease, or illness around you, allows you to be much more healthy and definitely much more successful because you have the energy to execute whatever it is that comes up.
Spirituality itself when we look at the advancement of our consciousness to areas of love and beyond, where we go into some state of transcendence, requires a tremendous amount of energy. If every day you are expending all this energy, entering relationships and your experiences with your body, and your environments, and a million other things, these are all things that act to drain your body of Life Force energy.
Obviously having a bigger energy body, itself would be an ideal thing to do to allow you to go through life in a more favourable manner, with less disruption, less disease and less problems, you can practise these, they're not hard, they're easy ways to start. It requires you to just go find out the information and remember there's millions and billions of things on the Internet.
It is your job to try to explore those and find out what works for you. I don't like telling people specific practises because everybody is special and what works for you may not work for somebody else, and it is up to you to find those which work for you.
So, all this talk about Life Force energy, you can't see it. Ah, but in the past, apparently it was something that was notable and showed up in the paintings of the Renaissance, when you see a Halo β just like in a religious Saint stamp or on a Church building image or statue.
When you see a Halo depicted around a person, you are seeing a representation of their energy field, the first layer of that energy field is your theory, your theory field is your field of energy closest to your body and if you learn or practise being able to see energy fields. You will actually start seeing the etheric field that surrounds a person or a place, or an object, such as a gemstone.
Everything that exists emits photons, and so when you see that Halo when you see that energy field around a baby, you are seeing a photonic emission from ourselves, all our cells submit photons. They emit more photons when you have more energy, so you become very bright, or you look like? or we used light as an expression of somebody who has an elevated consciousness.
All these, we're talking about, the photonic interactions that occur with not only ourselves, but atoms and everything else that exists. So, photonic relationships, photonic emissions really are our experience of reality to some degree. It is modulated by your consciousness.
When we talk about 36 volts as something that is like a reference point metric to use, we're actually talking about neutral. Meaning below 36 volts I am starting to emit less photons. I'm starting to restrict or hold back the amount of energy flowing to functions and processes in the body. If you restrict the flow of energy to different parts of the body, they function less efficiently. If you increase something very interesting happens.
Depression and anxiety are an increase of energy flow to those portions of the brain that produce the neural chemistry, the outcome of which we call depression or anxiety, shutting down those energy flows immediately stops anxiety or depression.
I have seen this and done this with many of my clients. To be neutral is to not be depressed or anxious and is also to have a normal flow of energy through the body. Anything less than neutral becomes pause over negative.
As you increase your energy, this will open you up to new experiences and accomplishments with your body wellbeing and in your life.
Further readings - The Quantum Effect by Randy Veitenheimer