The Universe Inside You
The universe inside you.
As Randy Veitenheimer explains on his book about Quantum Effect, you have an internal landscape, valleys, oceans, and the mountains. Things that are joyful and things that are not pleasant.
This internal landscape is where you actually live. People think they exist in the external world, but we really live in our internal landscape. One of our own makings and one of our own accumulations. So, where we physically live, grow up and work is our reference set, a data field we occupy.
This is an external information and out of that, we develop as a preference set. A preference set is what we prefer to have in our reference set, for example, what colour do you like?
The preference set in real life becomes an operational set in your everyday life.
Operational sets are habits, and routines. We haven't said these are good or bad yet because they can be either or both, depending on the situations you are in. Operational sets get a bad or good reputation because it is transactional with the field of people, places and things.
All these are set by you.
Let's say you like people who like gardening. Do you like their quiet attitude, their informal style, and the experience of it? But you meet someone who doesn't like gardening and they don't like to help you or work with you in your garden. In a sense, you're picking up that they don't like you because your operational set says you like people who like gardening, and they don't.
In this reality, you would signal what you like with wardrobe devices. Informal clothing and gardening tools, this assists people know what our preferences are.
People like to play with people with the same preferences because it validates their existence in this reality.
What we're using is our reference points to create our preference points that better serve who we really are. And thus create an operational system that is a source of joy instead of pain. This creates operational success.
We can arrive there through meditation and contemplation or we can be pushed there through conflict. Normally humans are pushed by conflict and not meditation or contemplation, to examine their preferences and operational systems, but why is conflict important?
Conflict allows contrast.
We can take any kind of moment and examine what was our point of participation. And when we do that, we shouldn't use judgement, but observation of what did you like about your participation in it? How did you feel?From this point you can come to your own preference set without using your previous reference set.
And then you're truly making decisions based on who you are and using your abilities consciously and accordingly.
How do we examine our life without judgement? Most people avoid sitting down and meditating or practising looking at life without judgement. People avoid this by flipping through the remote parts of their lives, and a clear example of this, is when people in life are immersed on social media, what to say, how to dress, what places to visit for other people to see and have an insight of our preferred landscape or operational sets.
Always moving on to the next person or thing, instead of stopping to focus on something. Like yourself for instance.
This causes a non-reflection on the internal landscape schedule. Nothing that you can grasp externally will really make your preference set better.
Awareness is the first thing I teach, being here in the present, now. Balance is a second one where we balance our internal and external landscapes. Going with the flow, learning when to do things. Movement learning what to move and where to go. And then once we start moving in any particular direction, even self-improvement, we start having some momentum, something that carries us forward without too much more input. And the sixth one is a use of the will, which means you use your will
to change.
Think of the idea of quitting training, going to the gym or losing weight. That is the use of the will. You're changing your preference set and using your will to do it. All these are involved and coming to a greater understanding of what it is to be ourselves.
You can see why now conflict is a catalyst for change. Because we ignore our internal landscape until it cannot be ignored, and the conflict shows up in our external reality.
What happens when you use your will to change your preference though. The conflict internally and externally doesn't happen because you have matched who you are to your surroundings. If we go back to what drains our energy in our ability to move forward in life, it is an internal conflict between your reference set in your preference set and your memory.
You might say things like I like my job, but I preferβ¦
This causes internal conflict and now we have an energy drain.
Energy drains, like this one, cause ageing, fatigue, disease and depression and anxiety by the absence of the energy you need to maintain your life in an orderly and healthy sequence.
Your energy field itself acts as a memory depository. All those sit there in a form of data memory that's electromagnetic. And we access it, either consciously or not non-consciously. And the greater part of it is access non-consciously.
We try to bury our memories, we try to deny access to them, we hold or block them, because the way the human being experiences reality is largely related to learning and learning is based in negatives.
So, that if you hurt yourself, you would store that memory so that you wouldn't do that again. Negative memories serve a purpose, and that purpose is for the survival of the self.
Good memories do not carry the same charge that negative memories do. In fact, it takes about 25 positive experiences to overcome the energy state of- only one negative memory.
This is where epigenetic change can come into play. You, as a mother, could be scared to death so many times that you change your DNA and pass on those fears to your child. These changes that occurred in the mother were then passed on to the child. The child never had those experiences. This goes also for you as an individual. Something might have happened to you that changes your DNA and how you react to things in your reference set. These are memories that have altered your view of the world. You need to figure out what is truly you and what has been programmed inside of you.
Self-contemplation through meditation is the way to break through these programmes.
There are all sorts of meditation practises you can try, and it's important to find one that works for you. I teach something very simple. I teach finding a quiet spot in the evening. Sit with your back straight against the wall. And against the wall allows you to feel safe instead of on edge. Then you close your eyes and do a review of your day. And do it without judgement and do it quickly. This takes practise. But once you have been able to review your life daily without judgement, you can move on to the next step.
The next step is called the path of negation. The path of negation is to say, I am not that.
For example, I'm not tired, I'm not angry, I'm not sad, I'm not unfulfilled and basically, I am not all of these things that drain energy out of me. I am me. And we repeat this process a few times. Until the tension comes out of the body.
This process helps focus on what defines Your Universe Inside You. And the greatest thing to say in the world? Is that you ARE yourself?
There are three terms that we could use to explain the universe inside us and how that dictates the universe on the outside that you interact with.
These terms would be: Translation, Transformation and Transcendence.
These are processes that we go through every day. Every interaction you have with somebody is a translation, their actions, you translate, and you translate these through all the filters of your consciousness. The filters of your consciousness can be as simple as somebody wants to take me for ice cream.
Do I have permission? Do I deserve ice cream? Maybe I ate too much food this week, is this good for me? This is helping me. Does this move me forward? Is this beneficial? And those are additional filters that we use to translate all the information that goes on around us. All this adds up to a tremendous amount of processing capacity devoted to just trying to make sense out of reality.
If you have made it through this translation programme, and something important comes up as a result of that contemplation of those actions. You go into a state of transformation.
You would be willing to change your viewpoint, and as we all know, there's certain subjects, politics, religion and love where this is very difficult, to change sometimes.
The difficulty arises in their perception of our translation. Are we right? Self-doubt is where this comes from, and so self-doubt itself becomes a handicap, to going into transformation where we transform ourselves from one state of consciousness to another or from one economic level to another, from one location to another.
Because transformation occurs in our own consciousness in our own body, in our own locations and our own reality.
If you make it all the way through transformation. Now you get into transcendence. Transcendence is specifically related to a contemplated or meditative outcome. Where the ideal is to recognise reality.
The karma, the outcomes, the consequences. This happens because you are able to perceive the sequences that are involved. And as a result, you tend to make better decisions.
Ultimately, this ends up in being a better preference set. The advancement of consciousness becomes a source of a better reference set to relate to reality and to not be so engaged on that which is negative and become more engaged and what is positive.
How do we get there? Being neutral. Neutral is a very interesting place. It is probably the best meditative technique.
People ask, what do you think of this or how do you feel about this? Answer would be I don't. What that means is I devote no energy to that idea or that thought. This can even extend into things like heat and cold. The weather conditions where you find yourself.
Because if you devote energy in a negative way, it drains your energy.
And that energy is no longer available for the functioning of your body, let alone your mind. To be neutral really is kind of a first step. If you can get yourself to this point, if you can go through your day and look at the negatives and be neutral. That is what it means to be relaxed.
Everybody tells you to be relaxed. How about being neutral? Being neutral means, you don't have to make a decision. A decision isn't required of you. A choice is required of you, and you don't have to devote energy to it.
If you can practise neutrality. You have the option of moving up in your consciousness. Otherwise, you're too attached to it.
But as you go beyond these and engage your internal landscape more. You come to value the concept of yourself. And in doing so you come to value the concept of everybody and everything else as something that is neutral or beneficial are ultimately as great.
All existence is a wonderful thing.
Only in humans do we find self-sacrifice as a way to spend the Life Force Energy that we accumulate every day and every night. To retain that Life Force Energy means that you go into the next day with a bigger charge with a bigger capacity with more energy. And in doing so, you actually provide for your own, not only relief, but you provide for your own advancement.
And the ability to engage reality at a new level that doesn't include the negative so much as a requirement to go through life.
If you look at the news or stuff on social media always, the negative might comes up, just your awareness of this, should alert you that the positive also exists.
That to be positive is a way to retain energy, as we come out from under the negative emotional states, we do that by being able to be neutral.
And from that, we come to the understanding of what it means to be able to transform ourselves inside ourselves.
And from that transformation comes our transcendence to one of the highest states of consciousness we can experience and still be in this universe and still be alive.