Grounding Exercise to Soothe a Temper with Crystals

Grounding exercises can be helpful in our lives for many different reasons. One of these reasons can be that of anger and the inclination to lose our temper. Losing your temper is never the desired outcome. If you are finding that is becoming harder to hold it back, you may need to turn to the soothing healing energies of crystals. Today, we’ll be talking about Amazonite and how they can help soothe your anger and ease your temper in times of need.

About Amazonite

Like waters deep and ancient, Amazonite beckons in captivating shades of turquoise-green, promising to soothe the spirit and calm the soul. Its energy is as powerful as the river for which it is named and as bold as the legendary women warriors with whom it is connected, yet it tempers aggression, tames the irrational, and stills the disquiet. It provides harmony and balance.

Amazonite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes trauma and calms the mind, alleviates worry and fear, and directs anger and irritability into more positive action. It regulates the aggressive aspects of one’s personality and urges the mind to seek emotional balance. It enhances the ability to communicate more effectively by identifying how one’s words have created the current reality, and how to change one’s vocabulary to reflect a higher, more aligned reality.

Grounding Exercise

When you are finding it increasingly difficult to calm down and are given to bouts of anger, it is helpful to find a way to sit down and meditate. By meditating, you will be able to ground yourself and find serenity within that will emanate without. When you are suffering from a bout of anger, as soon as you are able, take the following steps to complete this grounding exercise.

  1. Find a place in your home or wherever you happen to be, that is calm and will allow you to be undisturbed for a few moments.

  2. Once you are sitting comfortably, hold a piece of Amazonite or Amazonite Gemstone Bracelet in your hands. You may choose to use only one of the pieces or both. There is no wrong choice in crystal form or shape, choose the crystal that speaks to you.

  3. As you hold the crystal, allow your eyes to focus softly upon it. Note the soothing blue color and any patterns you see within and outside the crystal. As you look at the crystal, notice the energy beginning to build and flow through your body.

  4. When you feel energized, close your eyes and take several deep calming breaths. Imagine a white protective light surrounding and warming you, easing you into a sense of calm.

  5. Once you are calm, speak your intentions out loud. State the way you currently feel and speak of the calm you are wishing to achieve.

  6. After you state your intention, take a few more centering, calming breaths, and then open your eyes. You should be feeling more calm and centered.