Crown Chakra Bracelet

Crown Chakra Bracelet

from $46.00

Spiritual Connection

The Crown Chakra is the place of our minds. It is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It connects us to the higher planes of existence and extends our energy beyond our body.

When in balance and not blocked, we feel in balance, flexible, we see things as they are, and are not fazed by setbacks. However, if it is blocked or not in balance you can feel uncoordinated, clumsy, uninspired, and generally out of sorts with life. If you have been feeling unsure of who you are or why you even exist, your crown chakra could be out of balance. There is no need to worry though as violet coloured crystals can help bring you back to your centre.

Violet crystals bring you intuition, magic, dreams, and imagination. Like the sleepy, misty time of year that produces its rays, violet is the colour ray of intuition, dreams, nobility, and luxury. As the colour ray of influence that begins the cycle of life once again, violet is one of the most powerful rays in nature. It inspires awe and invites a feeling of mystery and magic, reminiscent of the mystery and magic of life’s rejuvenation and renewal.

Violet colour rays are powerful aids in interpreting our dreams, inspiring us to great deeds and accomplishments, and putting the magic back in our lives and relationships.

Materials - Amethyst and Quartz Crystal Gemstone Beads 8mm | Charoite Gemstone Beads 6mm | 925 Sterling Silver.

Extras - Metaphysic Properties and Crystal Practice.

Wrist Size & How To Measure - Because each bracelet is made to order, it is crucial you measure your wrist before purchasing. If you do not have a fabric measuring tape, a strip of paper or a string and a ruler will work just as well. Measure, under the wrist bone. For more details on standard bracelet sizes, please click here.

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Vibrational Energy


A popular stone for thousands of years. The amethyst ray of vision helps us see into our souls and ourselves. The admonishment β€œknow thyself” is profound advice. Amethyst can help you see yourself as you actually are and it helps you understand how others see you. It is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed back to the centre. It eases the mental anxieties that lead to physical tension and headaches and is a great crystal to calm those who tend to be hot-headed and easily angered.


Judy Hall suggests Charoite... Charoite stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight and aids in coping with enormous change at a spiritual level. To facilitate this, it synthesizes the heart and crown chakras.

Quartz Crystal

Acts as a deep soul cleanser, purifying and enhancing the body's internal structure and surrounding subtle bodies to connect the physical dimension with the mind. It focuses on inner negativity and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings in it is placed. With a better perception of the world, Quartz Crystal increases awareness and clarity in thinking, and provides enhanced energy, perseverance and patience, teaching one to live, laugh and love.
It will amplify the energies and magnify your intention.

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