The Connection between Children and Gemstones

The Connection between Children and Gemstones

When Children see us at our Local Markets and Pop-up Stores, they literally drag their parents by their hands to approach us to see our natural crystals. It’s a delight to observe their eyes light up in wonder. I am sure it is the colours and the resemblance to treasure in the movies that first attracts them but soon each child will be drawn to a favourite.

Without the cynicism that life experience can bring, children can sense the energies of many of these crystals and the placebo effect can be especially effective in enhancing the gemstone’s spiritual powers. 

When choosing gemstones for children, there are a few factors to consider

  • Let the child’s intuition help you – you may like the classy Aquamarine, but little Tommy wants the Rose Quartz!

  • Investigate the benefits of a particular crystal, is it good for relaxation, study, nightmares, confidence and so on. Pick the one to suit your child’s needs.

  • Hopefully the children will want to hold and perhaps play with the gemstones so choose one that is not so delicate that it will break. Crumbly or sharp stones should be avoided, too.

  • Similarly, make sure your child is old enough to know better or the gemstones are big enough not to be a choking hazard.

  • I am sure how rich you are, but children do lose things easily (mine do anyway) so I would suggest a not expensive crystal would be a good idea rather than an expensive Emerald or Sapphire. If your name is Kardashian, please ignore this last sentence.

There is no doubting the power of certain crystals to influence and help us both physically and mentally and they have been doing so for thousands of years in every culture on the planet, but children can be very receptive to suggestions about the power of their gemstone.

If your child suffers from nightmares, a magic Amethyst crystal on the bedside table that chases away bad dreams could be the answer. Do the cleansing and intention rituals together and it will be even more successful. Right, let’s get to the gemstones, shall we? Since I have already mentioned it, we will begin with Amethyst.

Amethyst - Helps sleep and stops nightmares

Better than a glass of warm milk to bring on a night filled with nothing but peaceful sleep and wonderful dreams. Also, a generally soothing and calming gemstone for excitable children. Physical Wellbeing

 Moonstone - Soothing and Calming

White moonstones are another gemstone which helps keep away nightmares and calms a child’s fear of the dark. Moonstones also bring protection and luck during trips. Emotional Wellbeing

 Peridot - The Study Stone

Often called the Study Stone, peridots can be kept in the bedroom or homework area to encourage learning and creativity. Older children can take them to school as a pendant or in a bag. Mental Wellbeing

Tiger’s Eye - Courage and Strength

This gemstone will give your child the boost of confidence needed for that first day of school, going to a party, meeting new friends, or getting up on stage for a presentation. Spiritual Wellbeing

Quartz Crystal - The Master Healer

The crystal of universal and unconditional love. Not only will it make your child feel loved and cherished, but it will encourage him or her to love everyone else around. Seven Chakras Wellbeing

Citrine - Happiness and Optimism

I guarantee any upset or sad child will perk up at the sight of this sparkly golden gemstone. It brings the energy of the sun and a smile to every face. Birthstone Jewellery

Sodalite - Focus and Concentration

This is the gemstone of logical reasoning and rational thinking, something every child and every parent could appreciate more of. Excellent for focus and concentration during homework and exam time. Energy Essentials

Rose Quartz - Unconditional Love

The crystal of universal and unconditional love. Not only will it make your child feel loved and cherished, but it will encourage him or her to love everyone else around. Wealth, Success and Protection

These gemstones can be placed on bedside tables, lined up on a shelf, as part of a display or design into a jewellery piece to wear. They can be carried to school in a pocket, a zipped-up pouch or tucked away in a backpack.

Today, at some schools, many classes begin with a five-minute meditation session which works wonders to settle the children down. Some meditation with a gemstone in the hand or placed on a chakra point will relax any child.

If you are a Teacher or an Early Childhood Educator, use gemstones as an introduction to a simple science, geology, and geography lesson – how they were formed, where they are found and where they come from.

If your are a parent, uncle, grandmother or aunt do not forget to share the fun, wonder and joy that Crystals can bring in your life with your children.