Making a Gem Essence

As crystals work by resonance and frequency, their vibration is easily transferred into spring water. To make an essence, cleanse your crystal and place it in a clean glass bowl. Cover with pure spring water.

Indirect Method

If the crystal is toxic, layered, soluble or fragile, place in an empty clean glass bowl then place the bowl in water.

Leave in the sun or moon for six to 12 hours. Remove the Crystal. Add two-thirds brandy, vodka or cider vinegar as a preservative. Bottle in a clean glass bottle. This is mother tincture and needs further dilution.

Using the Essence

Add seven drops of mother tincture to a small glass dropper bottle, top up with one-third brandy to two-thirds water if taking by mouth or putting on the skin. If using as an eye drop, do not add alcohol at any stage...

Sip at regular intervals, rub on the skin, or bathe affected parts. A few drops of gem essence can be added to a spray bottle of water. Spritz it around your home or workspace. Disperse essence around the aura by putting a few drops on your hands and sweeping about a foot away from the body.
