How to Protect Yourself with White Light

A lot of people worry unnecessarily about evil spirits or negative things happening to them, when they're connecting with their spirit guides, so let's go back to square one when you were created you were created from spirit, from the Source, from God, from whatever you call the Highest Power, so you are a being of light.

Your spirit guides were assigned to you by the Highest Power to help you along your physical path, and physical journey so, when you think of it logically, the very fact that you're from the light and your guides are from the light… there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

In fact, there's the same reason why you shouldn't be listening to your guides with that said, I have read a number of books and have heard other spiritual leaders discussed darkness and the dangers, quite frankly I'm not at all surprised… why people are so frightened by that.

But let me explain in a very simple way, how your guides can help you, to eliminate that fear… picture of a very sharp knife it can be used carefully and safely to cut foods, but it can also be unwisely used, you could cut yourself or cut someone else, the knife itself is neither good nor bad, what matters is how you use it.

It's the same with your guides they are inherently safe, it's how you use them that matters, you don't need to fear the darkness as many religious texts talk, about light always dispels darkness, if you're in a dark room and can't see anything you light up a candle or a flashlight or flick on the lights to see the light immediately destroys the darkness, that's what it's like with us, we don't need to worry about the evil and darkness because we dispel it through the light within us.

With all of that said, it never hurts to protect yourself with white light it's almost like double protection to ensure that everything is good, here is how to do that, through a quick and simple meditation.

White Light Meditation Guide

Close your eyes and imagine you're in a beautiful field, there are beautiful rolling hills in every direction, you're in the middle of nowhere, nobody can bother you, nobody can get you.

Now just breathe… straight above you is the sky and clouds and a beautiful white light coming through those clouds and shining down on you, like a spotlight, that bright white light so bright, so warm, that it feels like you're bathing in it…almost like standing in its shower with it flowing over you, it's an incredibly awesome feeling but, you're not only surrounded in a white light it flows inside you, it fills up every single molecule of you. You are flooded with that white light.

The rule of thumb is this don't play with fire!… I jokingly say to clients, and when people asks me for advise, to avoid evil like the plague, don't conjure up evil spirits and you'll be fine. I had a discussion with a person recently about things like the Ouija board. Is the Ouija board dangerous? if you're walking down the street and you see a portal to hell don't open it. I usually say that with a big smile in front of my clients or Reiki students and it gets a good laugh from them because, who in their right mind would open a portal to hell ?

But if you use things like Ouija boards, or anything else to conjure up the dark side, then that's your own doing, so my advise is simple… don't do that! Immerse yourself and surround yourself with white light when connecting with your spirit guides and all shall be well.

(Credits and Further Reading: Spirit Guides by B.Robertson)