Black Crystals to banish a bad atmosphere

Use Black Crystals to banish a bad atmosphere

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced being in a bad atmosphere. If you don’t know what it feels like, imagine the feeling you get when you visit a cemetery, when you walk through a haunted house, or being home alone after watching a scary movie. These feelings of suspense and unease crawl over you like a dark black cloak.

A bad atmosphere can also be brought upon by negative people, evil entities, and wrongdoings. Unfortunate circumstances can land us in a bad atmosphere wherever we go without even realizing it. Detecting a bad atmosphere is part of our human nature, and nothing can explain how we do this. The only reasonable explanation would be the same skill we have to be able to feel space is comfortable and peaceful.

Living or working in such conditions can affect our mood, rationality, relationships, emotional health, and productivity. Thankfully, with the help of crystals to bring about their loving vibrations, we can banish bad atmospheres.

How to Make Black Obsidian Water

For this elixir, you will need to use the indirect method

To start, you need 6, small Black Obsidian tumbled stones or 1 medium-sized stone. Place spring water into a medium-sized baking dish. Place the Black Obsidian into a separate clean, clear natural glass container – a glass measuring cup or water glass works well.

Place the glass containing the crystal into the spring water. Cover. Let stand covered for at least 30 minutes (If placed under sunlight or moonlight for a few hours it will be more potent). Remove the glass containing the crystal from the spring water. Place the container of water into your refrigerator to keep the water cool. Once cooled, the elixir will be ready for use.

When you wish to use it, add 6-10 drops of the elixir to any beverage. Use it 3-5 times per day. If kept in the refrigerator and covered, it will be good for several weeks.
