Becoming Dai

What's Reiki?

Everyone always repeats Life Force Energy, Qi, Chi, Prana and so on.

However, aren't we all born with Life Force Energy?

That is the reason why we are all alive right?

When we are born we receive our original and innate Life Force Energy. So what is Reiki? Why do we need it ? if we all already have Life Force Energy?

Reiki is gratitude, compassion, love, and not anger, worry or fear.

During the course of your life and depending on your unique circumstances your original light "Life Force" gets trapped within layers and layers of; worry, anger, fear, disappointment, sadness, overthinking, sleepiness and so on and that begins to cover up your original light / Life Force.

It does not mean that you do not have it otherwise, you will be dead... right?

Nevertheless, your life becomes gloomy, stressed and you rarely see the light at everything, whilst feeling tired, grumpy or upset most of the time.

So after you receive Reiki, all the layers that cover your natural light - Life Force Energy, begin to peel off, and that is the reason for the feeling of lightness, fullness, happiness and joy because at the end that is what Reiki does to you.

It does not give you superpowers or fix something in you because there is nothing to fix.

You are just perfect in your own unique way.

Never, ever forget this: "Embrace who you are and your way of being"

Do not let anyone tell you the contrary, do not let anyone tell you that they need to fix something or remove something from you because that is not true.

You are light, and you are perfect already.

Just because life gets tough, crazy and even chaotic sometimes it does not mean that there is something wrong with you.

Reiki lights up your own light so bright that there is nothing that can change that state of mind.

So next time someone asks why you receive Reiki or what Reiki does to you.

Well the answer is simple, Reiki reminds you of your own "Pure Bright Light '', who you really are, shows you the way, so you can reconnect with your inner self for a happy and joyful life.

Love to you 💛


Me & Frans Stiene. He is the author of: The inner Heart of Reiki - Rediscovering Your True Self, Reiki insights and the Way of Reiki - The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui. Co- author of: The Reiki Sourcebook, Your Reiki Treatment, The Japanese Art of Reiki.