welcome to Shinpiden Level 3 - Teaching Level
Join Soul Healing Practice Reiki Campus
This private group has been created this year, with the aim of supporting Carla’s students.
This is an opportunity for all Soul Healing Practice students that would like to network, ask relevant questions, seek advice and support each other through their Reiki Practice and personal healing journey!
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Your Shoden - Daily Routine
Do try to practice this routine regularly on a daily basis and become comfortable with the practices as you will require knowledge of them in Shinpiden Reiki Level III.
I recommend printing out this page and keeping it handy to remind you of the practices to be included in your daily routine.
Repeat the Reiki precepts daily or more often if you feel the need.
For Today Only:
Do not Anger
Do not worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
We also work with these precepts below. You may like to contemplate their meanings:
Do not bear ANGER
For anger is Illusion
Do not be WORRIED
Fear is Distraction
Be true to your WAY
and your BEING
yourself and others
because this is the centre of Buddhahood.
Begin with 15 minutes meditation once a day, practising either the Joshin Kokyu Ho and/or Seishin Toitsu meditations. These 15 minutes of meditation should naturally expand into 30 minutes or longer once you become accustomed to the routine.
Joshin Kokyu Ho is used to focus the mind, clear the meridians and to build energy in the hara.
1. Sit and gassho - to centre the mind and set intent. Close your eyes.
2. Place your hands in your lap, palms facing upwards.
3. With each in breath feel the energy coming in through the nose, moving down to the hara and filling the body with energy.
4. On the out breath, expand the energy out of the body, through your skin, and continue to expand the energy out into your surroundings.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until finished. The exercise may take anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. If you begin to feel dizzy, then finish the exercise and slowly build on the amount of practise time.
6. Gassho – to give thanks.
Self Healing
Treat yourself, as you wake in the morning, and/or before you go to sleep at night. Falling asleep after performing Reiki on yourself is a wonderful experience! However you can practice Hands-on healing at any of the day.
Journal Writing
Keep a journal and record all thoughts and feelings that occur. Often, simply the act of writing down allows release.
Drink Water
Drink lots of water as it is a great cleanser and aids the healing process.
Transition to Shinpiden Lessons
Is the chakra energetic system traditionally used in the Japanese system of Reiki?
Answer : No
The chakra system is the traditional energetic system of India. In Japan the energetic system incorporates
❊ Heaven Ki (energy) located within the head (forehead)
❊ Heart Ki located in the heart (middle of chest)
❊ Earth Ki in the hara in the abdomen (just below the bellybutton)
👉🏻 We call these three energetic centres the three diamonds. Click here to listen to the 3 Diamonds meditations
Which of the three diamonds should you work with first?
Answer : Earth Ki
This is very important as you ensure that you are grounded before moving into other energy work.
Next is Heaven Ki. You know if you start here, you'll be off with the fairies in no time, and you won't know which side is up! You might find that your intuitive abilities develop but as you are not grounded you can easily misunderstand them.
Last is Heart Ki. This is the last one to work with as you bring the energy of the other two together into the heart and balance the Earth and the Heaven inside you.
Is it good to treat others with Reiki if you don't treat yourself?
Answer : No
You need to work at being a clear vessel for the energy to move through. If you are not looking after yourself how can you look after others? By working on yourself with Reiki, you become a clearer vessel for the energy to move through and you have a better understanding of what is actually going on when you work with energy.
Is diagnosing your client's energetic experience a part of a Reiki treatment?
Answer : No
As Reiki practitioners we do not diagnose the energetic experience of others - or even of ourselves. We accept that there has or hasn't been change. It is a matter of learning to let go and understand that our rational interference in a Reiki treatment will limit rather than enhance the healing.
How many hand positions are there?
Answer : Unlimited
When you first begin to study the system of Reiki there are suggested hand positions taught in your class and in your manual. These are guides to get you started. Once you begin to work with energy you learn to let go of rules and feel the energy and work intuitively.
Your Okuden - Daily Routine
Do try to practice this routine regularly on a daily basis and become comfortable with the practices as you will require knowledge of them in Shinpiden Reiki Level II.
I recommend printing out this page and keeping it handy to remind you of the practices to be included in your daily routine.
Repeat the Reiki precepts daily or more often if you feel the need.
For Today Only:
Do not Anger
Do not worry
Be Humble
Be Honest in your Work
Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
We also work with these precepts below. You may like to comtemplate their meanings:
Do not bear ANGER
For anger is Illusion
Do not be WORRIED
Fear is Distraction
Be true to your WAY
and your BEING
yourself and others
because this is the centre of Buddhahood.
1. Begin with 15 minutes meditation once a day, practicing either with the Choku Rei mantra and its symbol, or just the mantra on its own.
These 15 minutes of meditation should naturally expand into 30 minutes or longer once you become accustomed to the routine.
2. Begin with 15 minutes of the Okuden Zenki and Koeki techniques once a day.
In Japan, Okuden has two stages within it. Zenki is the first stage and Koeki the second. The techniques in this section reflect the techniques taught at both stages.
Hatsurei Ho
Hatsu - to generate
Rei - spirit ho - method
This method cleanses the body using energy, in turn allowing for a greater flow of energy through the body. In some branches hatsurei ho is initially broken into different techniques and taught separately. These are kenyoku ho, joshin kokyu ho and seishin toitsu. When practised in Japan the waka and the precepts are included in the technique before and after the meditation respectively.
Kenyoku ho
1. Gassho - to centre the mind and set intent while standing or sitting.
2a. Place your right-hand on the left shoulder (where collarbone and shoulder meet). Breathe in - and on the out breath - sweep diagonally down from the left shoulder to right hip.
b. On the in breath place your left-hand on the right shoulder and - on the out breath - sweep down diagonally from right shoulder to left hip.
c. Breathe in returning your right-hand to the left shoulder and - on the out breath - sweep diagonally down from left shoulder to right hip.
3a. With the left elbow against your side and with your arm horizontal to the ground, place your right-hand on the left forearm. Breathe in and - on the out breath - sweep downward along the arm to the fingertips.
b. With the right elbow against your side and with your right arm horizontal to the ground, place your left-hand on the right forearm. Breathe in and - on the out breath - sweep down along the arm to the fingertips.
c. Breathe in and with the left elbow against your side and with your arm horizontal to the ground, place your right-hand on the left forearm. On the out breath sweep down along the arm to the fingertips.
4. Gassho – to give thanks
Joshin Kokyu Ho
Joshin Kokyu Ho is used to focus the mind, clear the meridians and to build energy in the hara.
1. Sit and gassho - to centre the mind and set intent. Close your eyes.
2. Place your hands in your lap, palms facing upwards.
3. With each in breath feel the energy coming in through the nose, moving down to the hara and filling the body with energy.
4. On the out breath, expand the energy out of the body, through your skin, and continue to expand the energy out into your surroundings.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until finished. The exercise may take anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. If you begin to feel dizzy, then finish the exercise and slowly build on the amount of practise time.
6. Gassho – to give thanks.
Seishin Toitsu
1.With your hands in the gassho position. Focus on your hara. On the in breath begin to bring the energy into your hands. Feel the energy move along your arms, down though your body and into the hara.
2.On the out breath visualise energy moving from the hara back up through the body and then to the arms and out through the hands.
3.Repeat for as long as you wish.
4.Gassho – to give thanks.
Self Treatment
Treat yourself, as you wake in the morning, and/or before you go to sleep at night. Falling asleep after performing Reiki on yourself is a wonderful experience! However you can practice Hands-on healing at any of the day.
Journal Writing
Keep a journal and record all thoughts and feelings that occur. Often, simply the act of writing down allows release.
Drink Water
Drink lots of water as it is a great cleanser and aids the healing process.
Transition to Shinpiden Lessons
Working with Choku Rei can help you deal with fear?
Answer : Yes
Choku Rei is connected to Earth Energy which in turn helps you to stay grounded and, therefore, begin to feel less fear.
Is “distance healing” about distance?
Answer : No
That's right. It is about interconnectedness, feeling connected to everything will create a perfect space for healing, no matter where you are.
Byosen Reikan Ho (meaning Sensing Imbalances) can only be performed on others.
Answer : False
You can also do it on yourself, this will help you to feel where you need healing and it also helps you to become more intuitive.
Hatsurei Ho translated into English means...
Answer : To generate a greater amount of spiritual energy.
The more you develop Byosen Reikan Ho and Reiji Ho the more you...
Answer : Become intuitive as to where to place your hands on yourself or others.
Hello! I hope that you have enjoyed the introduction to Reiki SHINPIDEN - Master Level…
If you have studied SHODEN and OKUDEN Reiki with me, you are familiar with these routines, so practice…practice and practice. That’s the only pre-requisite needed for you to start learning the Teaching Level - your new Bright Light chapter.
If you have studied SHODEN and OKUDEN in a different Reiki Campus - Do not worry, worry is just a distraction!
Just read carefully all the points on this page, Join the Newly, freshly opened private group in Facebook to connect with other Reiki Practitioners.
Practice the lessons, and meditations - from Soul Healing Practice Website
If you are new in the Traditional Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho System of Reiki, my focus is to guide you through every step on this healing pathway. SHINPIDEN Reiki is a new beginning - a bright light life changing experience.
There is a Buddhist quote, that says
Before enlightenment - Chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment - Chop wood and carry water
what I mean, with this?
SHINPIDEN Reiki, it’s not the end/ final step of the journey. Its just the beginning.
Looking forward to meeting you soon, Carla ✨