Soul Healing Practice

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Using Garnet to Achieve Your Goals

Do you have a goal that is proving elusive? Are you trying to lose weight, find a job, find a mate, eat better, buy a house, or exercise more?

If you do have goals that seem elusive, bring crystal energy to your quest. You need a Garnet crystal.

Here is why

Garnets are Enhancer Strengthener crystals. Enhancers have internal crystal lattices of perfect cubic symmetry and internal harmony. As "building block" talismans, their internal structure of perfect crystal lattices helps us focus our efforts to build on our successes and enhance our lives.

Strengtheners are crystals that are chemically formed in the island silicate class. This class of minerals forms very compact materials that are strong, resistant, and unyielding. Strengthener crystals provide you with the energy to resist temptations and resist distractions from your goals. Garnets are the best-known Strengtheners and the perfect talismans to keep us on course.

Garnet is considered a lucky stone, for love, success, and for business relationships. It helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence.

To use them there are several proven ways. The first is to place one near where you sleep. Make it the last thing you see at night and let its energy flow into your spirit as you sleep.

You can also do a short meditation holding it at some point in the day. Just a few minutes will strengthen your resolve and focus.

You can also place some tumbled and polished Garnets in pure spring water and make a powerful essence of resolve.

Garnet is tough and its energy can toughen your resolve to accomplish your goals.

Almandine (Red) Garnet

Unites the energy of scarlet and red with the more muted, earthy overtones of brown. It is intimately tied to the Earth, and is a talisman of protection and unyielding strength, increasing willpower and resistance to all things negative. It aids circulation and all blood-related issues. Associated with the First Chakra, it is a stone of physical love and relationships, and a spiritual stone of psychic protection.