Soul Healing Practice

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Interact with your Spirit Guides for a happier and more fulfilling life

How can I guarantee success and instantly improve communications with my Spirit guides

Remember the way that you can guarantee success with your communication with your Spirit Guides, is by taking action on what I show you and learn from the lessons that you experience along the way, remember that your Spirit Guides are going to give you help, at exactly the right time and in exactly the right place.

How to set intentions

What's the difference between asking your Spirit guide questions or intentions, most people make the mistake of asking their Spirit Guides open-ended, indefinite, or unspecific questions, the secret of having success with your guides is to set an intention.

Spirit guides do you think that I can really lose weight? this’s a very vague question, that does not give a definite intention, that you want to achieve or plan to achieve it.

However, an intention is when you set a specific goal of something that, you want to be doing or have it's something that, you want to achieve, and that you need help with.

For example, if you were a person who tends to overeat or overindulge, you can set an intention with your guides that you intend to stop doing that, that you intend to lose 20 Kilos in the next 60 days and that you are requesting your guides to help you achieve that specific intention, this is a huge difference.

What this does is to give your guide specifics on what they can support you, with they can jump in and help you, and let you know that your plate is too large… if you're trying to lose that amount of weight or that you're eating the wrong foods, or that you're eating too often, or that you're not following the guidelines, it's an intention that they are able to get on board and help you with.

I'm a big believer in brainstorming

Take a piece of paper and sketch out what you want to accomplish, and where you need the help, it really is that simple… don't say I want to lose weight, come up with a specific weight amount that you need to lose, come up with a specific plan, to achieve that, and then ask your guides to help you with those goals.

Remember the intentions and the interactions that they're going to have with you, are going to be their timing, not yours, so don't set an intention tonight and expect to have all the answers tomorrow.

…There's a guy who lives beside a very wealthy man, they’re about the same age, just out of high school and all of a sudden this guy gets a big fancy car, which it's really very expensive. The guy climbs to the top of his hill, and praise God why not me why not me… how come I don't get the car? I'm so good, I do everything for you, why not me God! he goes back home angry and frustrated. A few days later the next door neighbour with the fancy car gets himself an absolutely drop dead gorgeous model of a girlfriend, so the guy goes back up to the top of the hill, and he complains some more…why not me God why? I do everything for you, I'm a nice guy, and he gets a car and he gets a beautiful girl… this goes on and on and on for days and days and days… he then goes up to the top of the hill to complain some more about something else, that the other guy has, that he doesn't have, that's when the clouds open up, the earth shakes and shudders and from the heavens comes the booming voice of God who finally answers his questions; because you bug me”…

This might not be the funniest joke in the world, but it's humours in the sense that so often we pray for things, and we ask, and we beg, and we continue to repeat our desires, over and over and over again… with Spirit Guides you only need to ask for what you want, just one time!

Do not make the mistake of asking repeatedly, you do not have to pray 1015 or 20 times a day, you don't have to pray the same prayer every day for a month, spirit Guides, knows what you're looking.

I repeat to myself all the time

Motion beats meditation, instead of thinking and dreaming and dreaming and thinking… it's better to take action of the things that you want to achieve in your life… that's all you need to do, say what you need set, your intention and then start taking action.

When is the best time to set the intention for the ultimate response

I have discovered that the best time to set your intention is late at night, just before you're about to go to sleep. Whatever it is that you decided, you would like to ask spirit Guides to do, whatever it is you need to do and then when you get into bed pull the covers up, roll over and simply do your breathing exercise, breathe in and breathe out, become one with spirit, then simply ask as clearly as possible, what you would like to help with, once you have passed that onto your Spirit Guide, know that spirit has it.

Then close your eyes and simply go to sleep, while you’re sleeping Spirit Guides will take that information, and begin formulating a process to make these happen.

You do not need to repeat them 100 times. you don't have to beg, you don't have to plead, just simply state what it is, you would like to achieve, what you need help with, and then simply go to sleep.

I want to share with you one amazing technique that you can use tonight to make a connection with your guides.

Rapid start technique

I want you to ask your Spirit Guides, this simple and easy question,

what is the one thing I can do tomorrow to improve my karma?

If you're ever stuck, not knowing what to do, not knowing what you want to ask, or if you're feeling frustrated, challenged, or overwhelmed, simply ask your Spirit Guides, what you can do tomorrow to improve your karma, then close your eyes and go to sleep your Spirit Guides will start connecting with you, while you're sleeping.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up, I don't know what it will be that, your Spirit Guide will show you, but they will show you one thing, that's very personal, maybe you need to make a phone call, maybe you need to address something, maybe you need to respond to something, maybe you need to take action, maybe you need to set a goal.

I don't know what it will be, but you will wake up with an overwhelming compulsion to do something, I'm not promising you that it will be easy, you may have to confront somebody, who has been a big challenge to you by causing you a lot of stress or grief, maybe you have to call a creditor who's been hounding you, maybe you need to speak to a lawyer, maybe you need to address a personal relationship, maybe you need to ask your boss for a pay raise, whatever it is… promise yourself that whatever your guide show you… You will take action on… the benefits will be far greater than the price you paid for.

These simple techniques could literally change your life for the better

Forever let's face it, some of us… have so many challenges on our plates that it seems like we're never going to see the light… but we can't change everything overnight, you can however change and work on one thing at a time, each day, and make progress, remember there are 365 days in a year. If your Spirit Guides were to show you 365 things, and you were to take action on, just one thing a day, imagine how much better your life would be a year from now.

Imagine how much better you would feel and how your prospects would dramatically change, all from doing that one simple thing, the Japanese call it - Kaizen, which loosely translates to constant and never-ending improvement.

One of the philosophies the Japanese have that I love so much

Is that they build something awesome, then they try to make it even more awesome, using that - Kaizen philosophy, what if you did that for your own life?!

What if every day, you did one tiny little thing, to improve your life, imagine all the people you would impact, your spouse, children, family members, co-workers, because you are shining like the bright light that, Spirit Guides, wants you to be.

Your life can change for the better, as a first step… after reading this article, tonight do your breathing meditation just before you go to sleep, ask to your Spirit Guide, what the one thing is that you can do tomorrow to improve your karma, then promise yourself that, no matter how easy or challenging it may seem, you will take action tomorrow morning, that is when you will be setting in motion.

(Credits and reading: Spirit Guides by B.Robertson)