Soul Healing Practice

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Cleansing and Programming Your Crystals

Crystal Programming

Establishes a very specific intention for a crystal to hold or wear 24/7, usually, for energy or result you wish to manifest.

Hold your crystal or crystal’s piece in both hands and imagine it surrounded by a shimmering ball of white light. Say aloud the intention which you wish the crystal to hold for you:

I program this crystal for (your wishes).

For the highest good of all, in love and light.

Just remember that you only need to program a crystal if your intuition clearly guides you to do so. If not, trust that the crystal's energy is already working perfectly for your particular needs and healing! 

Cleansing your Crystals

Crystals work best when they are cleansed because, over time crystals absorb and accumulate energy from the environment around them and also very important, as your crystal will work as a shield for the energy body, or detoxing, balancing and harmonising your body from the inside out.

To ensure that your crystal piece is clean and ready to use, here are four simple ways to cleanse your crystal. 

The Sun burns off old energy and refills your crystal with vibrancy and light. The Full Moon is when the moon is at its brightest and bathing your crystals under it restores them to their brightest form. 

Sound breaks up any stuck or stored energy and restores harmony. The smoke created when burning Sage carries away any low vibrational energy stored in the crystal.


Place your crystal outside in the light of the Sun for four hours.

Full Moon

Place your crystal outside under the light of the Full Moon for four hours.


Download and play the music of Tibetan singing bowls, the OM mantra, or Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

White Sage

Immerse your crystal in the smoke of burning Sage for at least 30 seconds.