Soul Healing Practice

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Benefits of Reiki Training

The system of Reiki – Traditional Japanese Reiki –

Uses universal life force energy as a healing modality. By transferring and manipulating the flow of one’s inherent energy to the body of another, this energy can be used to heal, either directly, or by putting the subject receiving the work into a state of deep relaxation and safety, that their body is able to heal itself!

The healing touch of a high experienced Reiki practitioner is said to exude warmth, comfort, and even a tingling sensation within the body.

Here are same benefits, when you receive training by an experienced Reiki Teacher

1.     Attunement process with the universe

2.     Connection to your spirituality

3.     Deep relaxation

4.     Health benefits of the body

5.     Direction for your life

6.     Giving back

7.     Perspective

8.     Emotional healing

9.     Self-development

10.  The art of inviting happiness

Attunement process with the universe

Reiki connects you to universal energy, thereby allowing you access to healing for yourself whenever you might need it. Plus, being plugged into the universe means you can balance your body, mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing.

Connection to your spirituality

Reiki brings you closer to your Higher Self, which is an essential part of anyone’s spirituality. The perks of being more in tune with your higher Self, include being more intuitive, helping you make better decisions and giving an overall feeling of wholeness as if a missing piece of your life’s puzzle has fallen into place.

Deep relaxation

Happier people live longer. It’s a fact. Lowering the stress in your life is essential to keeping illness and ailments at bay from your body. Reiki is an excellent tool for keeping your heart and mind calm and connected to an inner peace that be an asset in trouble times. You will gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.

Health benefits of the body

We put natural wear and tear on our bodies on a daily basis, whether through exercise or simply walking around the office. Between that and the toxins in our environment, our bodies are in desperate need of healing. Self-healing on a physical level helps prevent sickness, whether its one you’ve already had or one that you may have and aids our injuries in healing fully. There is a plethora of ailments that Reiki helps soothe, from mild back pain to even cancer, according to Reiki experts.

Direction for your life

Once again, you are plugged into the universe through the practice of Reiki. Therefore, you will be much closer finding your true purpose and calling though learning Reiki, as you become connected with the divine in your life. Let your mind be opened up through practising Reiki, thus freeing up yourself and your spirit.

Giving back

Ever felt helping people, but you were totally unsure of how to go about this? Reiki extends to more than yourself in its healing. This is a gift that many would count as invaluable in their lives. Imagine helping people be free of injuries that have plagued them for years or giving them, a sense of inner peace! Giving back like this is truly its own reward.


Reiki has the potential to turn your whole life around for the better if you Self-Reiki every day and listen to your intuition. Life becomes a whole lot more clear, and you begin to understand what’s actually important in your life, and what is excess and unnecessary. Even things in your life like your relationships come into focus. Who is actually your friend? Who is just there for an easy ride? You’ll find out quickly when you start trying something “weird” like Reiki!

Emotional healing

We all carry some kind of emotional trauma in our lives. No one’s life has been perfect. While we all accept that, we don’t all realise that we also carry energy from these negative experiences. This trauma may be affecting us entirely, in our bodies, our hearts and our spiritualities. Reiki can free us by helping us release the energy attached to the hardships of our past. One this has been achieved, you are finally free to be yourself.


Reiki can change the way you deal with life and people in a way that is much healthier for you. It might not happen in a conscious manner, but it’ll quickly become apparent that when someone tries to take advantage of you. For example, you will push back, defend yourself, and demand more respect. Reiki helps you love yourself so that you can learn to love others and ask others to love you, as well.

The art of inviting happiness

The founder of reiki, Mikao Usui, described Reiki as the “art of inviting happiness” does not that sound like something everyone could use in their lives? Often, people do not know what happiness actually is, and seek material gains or the next promotion. But having a really, truly happy life goes far beyond that. Happiness comes from a profound understanding of the universe and knowing your place there, which is exactly what Reiki sets out to do.

Is it hard to learn reiki?

Just like anything new, learning a new modality or method of healing takes time and effort to study and learn the ins and outs of the philosophy. Luckily with Reiki, there are no special abilities needed as a prerequisite to learning the practice, the ability to use your energy for healing is latent in us all.

In general, it’s relatively easy to learn the basics of Reiki, though continuing on a more involved path can require more effort and commitment especially if one wants to learn traditional Japanese Reiki.

How do you learn Reiki healing?

Carla is a reiki teacher based in Australia, Melbourne. She is a qualified Reiki teacher and more importantly she is certified in the practice.

Learn more about Carla Andrea De Grandi teachings by clicking here.


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